OKCFSC Membership Meeting
Due to the likelihood of weather, we have decided to cancel the swim party at Pelican Bay Aquatic Center. We still want to celebrate our skaters, though, so please keep an eye on your email in the next several weeks! We will still be having our Membership Meeting!
Join us August 21st at 6:00pm over Zoom for our annual membership meeting to vote on new board members; this is an important meeting and we need you!
Options for voting for are:
**We will be setting up voting via electionrunner.com. Please keep an eye on your email for instructions following the close of the Zoom meeting on the 21st.
**Email your vote from the email address listed on your membership account to mikalhermanns@gmail.com (for board members only). This is a valid vote, however you do lose your anonymity.
**Email us (from a verifiable email address) with the name of who you have designated as your proxy–remember when giving your proxy vote that you are giving that person the right to vote on your behalf. Please indicate whether you are designating a proxy for voting on bylaws amendment or board members or both!
**Write a letter with your signature designating your proxy vote to another member. Again, please indicate whether you are appointing a proxy for voting on amendments to bylaws or board members or both.
Remember, proxies for voting on bylaws must be received at or before the membership meeting in order to submit a vote for the bylaws amendments. Proxies received granting authority to a third party after the vote is held at the membership meeting will not be eligible to be counted.
Sample Proxy Language:
I, [YOUR NAME], designate [PROXY’S NAME] as my proxy to vote on my behalf for the purpose of the 2022 OKCFSC election of board members.
Signed [YOUR NAME]
Date: [DATE]