Training Ice / Practice Ice

Arctic Edge Ice Arena
14613 N Kelly Ave
Edmond, OK 73013
Phone: (405) 748-5454

Blazers Ice Centre
8000 S I-35 Service Rd
Oklahoma City, OK 73149
Phone: (405) 631-3307
Training Ice is time set aside specifically for ice skaters during certain days and times. Training ice sessions are for skaters who are training with a coach or practicing specific skating skills. The number of skaters is limited for each training ice session so that each skater can work safely and effectively. For the safety of the skaters when volume is high, training ice is often divided by skill level. Unsure which sessions are for you? Ask your coach! Presently, Arctic Edge training ice is divided by skill level, but all ages and levels are welcome on all sessions at Blazers Ice Centre.
To set-up a training ice/practice ice account at Arctic Edge Ice Arena, please contact Linda Cuccio or visit the Arctic Edge Self-Service to set-up an account online.
To set up a training ice account at Blazers Ice Centre, please visit
Note: Arctic Edge Ice Arena and Blazers Ice Centre both utilize FinnlySport booking software, but payment accounts are not linked. You must create a separate account at each facility.